The Hoho Mana is by Ryan Gashweseoma and is 9 inches. $350. (TUCSON) Next in the center is an old style Owangaroro or Stone Eater Katsina by Sean Macias. 11.25 inches high and $350. (SANTA FE) The’e* was made by Hongvi Marquez. 6 5/8 inches high and $100. (SANTA FE)

*This particular carving represents the’e katsina dancer who in turn represents the spirit of the Apache people while some Hopi say he represents the Paiute people and is called Paiutsi.

The first doll in the row above was made by Ryan Gashweseoma. An Anak’china or Longhair katsina, 8.25 inches high and $300. Next is an Umtoinaqa or Thunder katsina by Darance Chimerica. 10.5 inches high and $300. Last but definitely not least is a Hilili by Ryon Polequaptewa. SOLD. (ALL in SANTA FE)

The three dolls above are both by Nick Brokeshoulder. A Tsaveyo, one of a family of ogre katsinas, it is 14 inches high and $280. The Heheya Mana is 10 high to the top of her butterfly whorls and $200. The Mastop is 9 inches high to the top of the head and SOLD. (ALL in SANTA FE)

All five dolls in this row were carved by Darance Chimerica (Makwesa is his Hopi name). Each is 9 inches high and $300. From left to right: a Heheya, an old style Turtle katsina, a Corn Boy and a Matya. (ALL IN TUCSON)

A Paakiw or Fish katsina by Luke Poneoma. It measures 9 inches across and 16 inches tall. It can be hung or shown on a stand (we made one for it). $600 (SANTA FE)

A Hemis katsina by Carl Nequatewa. This one is 19.5 inches high to feather tip and $400. (SANTA FE)

An old style Butterfly Maiden by Randy Howato. 13 inches tall. Tablita is 9 inches wide. $600 (TUCSON)

A Hilili by Ryan Gashweseoma. 8 7/8 inches high to tallest feather tip and $350. (SANTA FE)

You can also see a larger Sio Hilili by Ryan in our Highly Detailed Gallery.


A Sootukwnangw (Sky Deity) by Cimarron Grover. There is wonderful profile on him in The Great Tradition of Hopi Katsinas, by Barry Walsh. 11.5 inches high and $500. A Tangak.wunu or Rainbow Katsina by Raynard Lalo.11 inches high to feather tips and $300. The Omaw or Cloud katsina in the photo at right is by Hongvi Marquez. 10 7/8 inches high to feather tip and $400. (ALL IN SANTA FE)

By Nick Brokeshoulder, a Mongwu or Owl katsina. 15.25 inches high to wing tips and $350. (Santa Fe). A Yungya, or Cactus katsina by Randy Howato. 12 inches and $375. (TUCSON) This Nuvak Mana - Snow Maiden- was carved by Nick Brokeshoulder. 12 inches and $250. (TUCSON)

 This particular carving represents one of the figures known as the Warrior Twins – Pöqangw brothers - grandsons of Spiderwoman. The other is known as Palöngawhoya. This one is Pöökhonghoya. They may be portrayed armed with bows and arrows or carrying a ball used in a Hopi game. The paired vertical lines on his head and face are called hunzrunkwa or warrior tracks and are used on guard, warrior and hunter katsinas. In a number of Hopi stories they are sent out on quests, usually to defend to against menaces, and are given crucial advice by Spider Grandmother before leaving.  

A Masaaw Mana by Lenno Polingyumptewa, 10.5 inches to the tops of her hair whorls. $400. The next two in the row are all by Hongvi Marquez. The Kuwan Kookopölö is 8 inches high and $300. The Hakto is 7.5 inches high and $260. (ALL in Santa Fe)

A Sakwa Hu or Blue Whipper katsina by Eric Holmes. 9 inches high not including the base and $300. A Sotukwnangwu’taka or Sky Deity by Clark Tenakhongva. 22 inches high and $1,000. At right is a Kowartaqa or Quail katsina by Hongvi Marquez. 7 7/8 inches high and $260.(ALL IN SANTA FE)

By Shawn Deel, a Tasap katsina, two photos to show details, it represents the spirit of the Navajo people. This one is 10.5 inches high and $400. Next is a Tsiitoto or Tobacco Flower by Tayron Polequaptewa. This one is 12 5/8 inches high and $300. (ALL in Santa Fe)