Pendants by Troy Natachu of Zuni.

The two large vertical and the one large horizontal pendants are 1.75 inches in length and $110. The other two are $90 each and 1.5 inches long. Lapis, fauxpal and turquoise. (ALL IN TUCSON)

Three new reversible pendants by Colin Coonsis, the first photo at left shows one side and the second photo is of the reverse of each pendant. They are each just over 5/8 inches in diameter and $100. The two pendants on either end are inlaid with turquoise and pen shell. The middle pendant has SOLD. (ALL in SANTA FE)

Three exceptional sandcast nazhas by Aaron Anderson. Left to right: A nice piece of Lone Mountain turquoise in this nazha measuring 2.75 inches long by 2 3/8 inches wide, $525. In the center is nazha set with a piece of turquoise from the Kingman mine, this one is 2.5 inches by 2.5 inches, $550. The nazha at right is set with a nice chocolatey piece of Bisbee turquoise, 2.75 inches by 2 3/8 inches and $525. (All in SANTA FE)

The pendant in the photo at left was made by Emerson Kinsel, 3.5 inches long (including bale) and 1 5/8 inches wide. $180. Next is a pendant set with natural turquoise from the Royston Mine. By Craig Agoodie, it measures 3.5 inches long and is $375. The pendant at right was made by Kee Yazzie, 2 inches long including the bale and 150. (ALL in SANTA FE)

The first two pendants in this row are by Sparks Masawytewa. The pendant with the butterfly and frog is 1.75 inches long and just over 3/8 of an inch wide. $275. The next pendant is by Ruben Saufkie featuring a Kokopelli motif and is 2.5 inches long. $300. The last pendant with a bowl of corn and hands was made by Joseph Coriz, it is 1.75 inches long. $240. (ALL in SANTA FE)

The first two in this row are pendants by Colin Coonsis. Both are inlaid with fauxpals (laboratory created opals). Each pendant is 1.25 inches long and $180. The Quail pendant at far right is by Rolanda Haloo. It is inlaid with Bisbee turquoise, black marble, fossilized ivory and coral. It measures 2 1/8 from the top knot and is $400. (first pendant at left is sold, the other two are in Santa Fe)

At left is a beautifully constructed pendant by Sparks Masawytewa. Overlay as well as shadow box. 1.75 inches long by 2 inches wide. Featuring an eagle with rain clouds and lightning. $425. Next is a very nice stamped pendant of a young Navajo woman with her hair tied in a traditional bun, by Mildred Kee Parkhurst, 1.75 inches long and $80. A sheep by Robby Manuelito. 1.5 inches across. $110. (ALL IN SANTA FE)

The two pendants at left are both by Joseph Coriz. The one with the pueblo scene & stars is 2 inches long and $240. (SANTA FE) The pendant with the animals and raincloud is 2 1/8 inches long and $240 (TUCSON). A beautiful double drop pendant by Leonard Nez. Featuring two stunning pieces of turquoise from the Royston Mine in Nevada. 4 5/8 inches long and $875. (ALL in SANTA FE)

At left is a gorgeous sunface pin/pendant by Aprilene Unkestine. Inlaid with jet and gold lip Mother of Pearl shell, it is 2 1/8 inches in diameter and is $520. (SANTA FE) In the center is a stunning necklace by JJ Otero, Navajo & Hopi. This one is titled “The Four Sacred Mountains” set with a beautiful piece of turquoise from the Nevada Blue mine. The pendant measures 3.75 inches long and is 4.25 inches wide. $1900. (TUCSON) The Phoenix bird pin/pendant is by Corraine Shack. Inlaid with Mother of Pearl shell, penn shell, jet, coral and turquoise. It measures 1.75 inches long and is 1.5 inches wide. $240. (SANTA FE)

Leagus Ahiyite made this lovely butterfly. 2.25 inches across and $212. This one is in TUCSON but we have another but set with a somewhat different inlay, in Santa Fe. A sanc cast turtle pin/pendant by Alison Manuelito, 1 3/8 inches long and $80. (SANTA FE) Also by Alison is the horse drawn wagon pin. This one is just under 2.25 inches wide and $90. (SANTA FE).

The rectangular maze pendant is by Clifton Mowa. 2.5 by 1.25 inches. $240. By Wayne Haloo, a mosaic inlaid turtle pin/pendant. 1.75 inches long and $90. A shadow box pendant that was made by Dan Jackson, who, sadly, passed in 2022. It is set with a nice piece of Golden Hills turquoise. 2 3/8 inches long and $300. (ALL in SANTA FE)

The reversible Zuni cluster cross in the two photos at left was made by Michael Boone in the style of his late great-grandmother, Myra Qualo. 1 5/8 inches long and $50. A Kookopölö pendant that is unsigned. 1.5 inches long and $125.(BOTH in SANTA FE)

A Zuni needlepoint pendant, 1.25 inches from the top of the bale. $110. The sandcast coral cross was made by Cecelia Iule, it is just over 3 inches long and $145. A very lovely vintage Zuni needlepoint pendant 1.25 inches across and $325. (All three in SANTA FE) A swirl pendant by Mildred Parkhurst. 1.75 inches and $90. (TUCSON)

Both of these tufa cast nazhas are by Aaron Anderson. Each measures 2.75 inches by 2 3/8 inches. The one natural turquoise from a Nevada Mine is $525 and the plain one is $490. The Rainbow dancer set in jet is by Harlan Coonsis. 1.5 inches across. $525. ( ALL in TUCSON)

An early pin (1960s) by Dennis Edaakie (1931-2008), 2.25 inches across, it is set with pen shell, coral, abalone and serpentine. $975. (TUCSON) A beautiful needlepoint pin-pendant by the Wyaco family. 2 7/8 by 1 5/8 inches. $225. (SANTA FE)The little mosaic inlay pendant by Wayne Haloo at right is 1.25 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. $36.

A tufa cast pendant by Monty Claw. 2.25 inches across and 2.5 to the top of the bale. $375 (TUCSON) A stunning coral seahorse pin by Lee Charley. Set with three gorgeous pieces of coral, it is 2.75 inches long and SOLD. Robert Sorrell made this great maiden pendant with a body inspired by a circuit board. 3.25 inches and SOLD(Tucson)